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Building Smarter Alerts This Summer

I also recorded an audio note about this:

Smart alerts, or maybe called something else in the future, will be a new kind of alert. A smarter kind of alert. I was both stumped and then inspired when recently launching the new Trend pages. In particular the page that shows the teams with the most “Late Goals”.

If you’re not familiar with the Trends pages, the tables are quite simple. They first show the occurrence of an event, then in the next column that occurrence as a percentage. Finally, a third column is for the latest odds and setting alerts instantly. This works great for the majority of Trends as they tie directly into a market. The Home Wins page shows the odds for that team to win, and clicking the odds will set a result on the full-time result for you, but what odds would you show for “Late Goals”?

It got me thinking about how I could build something in that space. An alert that does more for you than the current suite on OddAlerts. A smart alert.

These alerts will be perfect for situations where many variables come into play. They will take in more data and have more sophisticated filters and rules before they are allowed to trigger. However, for the user, it will be a single button. Sticking with the “Late Goals” example, you will be able to set a “Late Goals” smart alert, and that’s all you’ll need to worry about.

Has the game seen a goal already, no problem, the alert will look at the current odds and select the correct market. A smart alert can trigger regardless of the score and market. I see this being very useful for goals and corners, at least at first. I’m more than open to suggestions.

It’s not going to be an easy thing to build, but just how I’m taking the current API build endpoint by endpoint, I will focus on a single smart alert first and then simply move onto the next. Focus on making the absolute best alert possible given the data and outcome, then go again.

Written by Joe (Founder @ OddAlerts)

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