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Coming Soon: Bet Builder & Accumulator Page

I've just had a brilliant idea for the new BetBuilder page, which I'll also discuss in an upcoming OddAlerts podcast episode. The BetBuilder page is quite old, predating the Trends pages, and now I plan to merge the two while making it fun, interactive, and quick. To accomplish this, I'll borrow elements from popular apps like TikTok and Tinder – not to exploit short attention spans, but to cater to them with familiar interfaces and design systems.

The new BetBuilder page will resemble a TikTok-esque feed where users swipe through potential games to add to their bet or accumulator. However, I don't want to encourage accumulators, so the design will show decreasing probability as odds increase. This approach will create a fun and quick experience for those looking to place an accumulator or BetBuilder bet.

Stay tuned for the upcoming design of this page. I will post it on Discord soon. This journal is a behind-the-scenes look at how ideas can emerge at OddAlerts and, in this case, from everyday activities like showering or walking. For me, inspiration rarely strikes during dedicated brainstorming sessions; instead, it comes from moments of daily life.

In summary, a new BetBuilder experience is coming soon that combines familiar app elements with engaging and interactive features. Building the API has been great for creating quick tools like this, making ideas much easier to develop with the data readily available. I'll likely use the Trends API endpoint to power this new update to the BetBuilder page, providing a good funnel into the Trends page and promoting the API itself.

Before diving into code, I'll first design the tool. Then, I'll work on a TikTok-style swipe feature, which can be versatile and used for various purposes like swiping through players or teams at a later date. With the upcoming OddAlerts app, this full-screen swipe feature could become a key part of certain pages.

It's no secret that attention spans are dwindling these days, affecting both young and older individuals. Introducing user-friendly features can help bridge the gap - even my grandad loves his iPad now!

So there you have it, a quick journal entry to document my idea and share it with you all. I believe this tool will be both fun and useful, so stay tuned!

Written by Joe (Founder @ OddAlerts)

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